What Moldings Are Made Of

polymer molding

Moldings can be made in a variety of different materials– from wood to polyurethane, the choices could be overwhelming. When trying to decide on the type of material, you must think about how you will be finishing the moldings if you are choosing to stain the moldings to add the look of wood to your overall design than the wood molding would be the right choice for you. Wood moldings add warmth to the overall space– the wood molding choices are decorative sculptured wood molding, hand carved wood molding, machine carved wood molding, and pierced wood molding. If on the other side you are looking to paint the moldings than we would recommend for you to choose the polyurethane or polymer molding.

One of the choices in the wood moldings is the machine carved wood molding. The machine carved wood molding designs have no irregularities, which makes for a perfect looking design. The hand-carved wood molding has some imperfections due to the nature of the creation of the molding pattern– but that is what gives it its charm. The variations within the design are not as noticeable as they would have been a few centuries ago, but when you look close enough at the design, you can be able to track the artist’s hand throughout the piece and will be more than just a sculptural trim, but also as a masterpiece.

The pierced wood molding is part of the hand-carved wood collection. The pierced wood molding is more sculptural, and the pieces are connected every two feet with dowels. It is perfect for trim on any decorative wall pieces or furniture. It looks beautiful when stained because the richness of whatever wood species you choose will show through with all of its richness.

If you are choosing to paint it, then concentrate on looking at the polyurethane and polymer moldings. If you are worried over the fact that it is something totally new to you– don’t fret– both polyurethane and polymer moldings don’t chip, they do not splinter, rot, or get any unwanted critters in them. Unlike the plaster or gypsum moldings– the polyurethane moldings are manageable, not as fragile, and definitely not as cumbersome. With those problems solved– shipping, installation, and the final result will be made much more straightforward.

Moldings have been around for many centuries as a means of decorating. Many of the classic patterns could be found in the old mansions such as Versailles. Back than all of the moldings were hand made and freshly put onto the ceiling and walls– now you have the luxury of having the vast array of the same classical patterns, but with a lot less of a circus in getting it on your walls– and instead of hiring anyone else to do that– you can easily do it yourself.

These moldings are made from molds which makes the moldings a bit easier to create than the carved wood moldings because as opposed to having to carve out each and every piece, you have to fill the mold. Having the moldings being made by molds assures you that the design matches within all of the pieces with no cutting or trimming. You can design your home with more than just the moldings and get creative with the incorporation of rosettes, niches, and other polyurethane deep relief products.

The next level of durability is polymer molding. While the polyurethane molding is much more durable than wood– it does exhibit the qualities of wood, and one of them is possibly getting dented on impact (i.e., the impact of a vacuum cleaner on a baseboard). The polymer baseboards can withstand those blows. The molding is not only small impact resistant, but the moldings are also incredibly durable when put to the moisture test– after being absorbed in 92-degree water for 180 hours, the molding did not change more than .4% which is negligible to the naked eye.

The high definition polymer is fully recyclable and is also hypoallergenic. The baseboard is fantastic for high traffic areas because of how incredible it is at withstanding scratches and dents.

The molding materials all have different qualities for their various uses. To choose the right material for you– give the application a good thought. If you are really stuck with any design decisions, give us a call!

carved wood molding

wood molding collection

crown molding collection

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